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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Shop towel sexy!

So yesterday I was speaking of my friend and his escapades. He, as of tomorrow gets to play happy families because his parents are coming in from Holland. He doesn't want them to know his marriage is a sham. Anyways....on one of his trips to his local pub he was feeling frisky and was dancing and groping anyone with a pulse. This went on for some hours until he grew bored and decided to go home. He went out, got into his minivan, yes, I said minivan, and proceeded to leave the car park and head home. It was raining and he saw a "damsel in distress". She was walking in the rain. Being the "gentleman" that he is, he offered her a ride home. She accepted, and according to him, in gratefulness started to grope him as he drove. They ended up on a quiet side street and proceeded to have sex. He even talked her into "anal play". My question was HOW did they clean up after all this.? He replied that he had a bundle of clean shop towels in the back of the minivan. Can we say ewww?!!! In a time of AIDS, STD's, not to mention just overall psycho people, HOW would anyone allow this to happen. NASTY! However, it is entertaining and I do get amused when he tells me of his antics, hence me sharing them..