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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just when I thought it couldn't get worse...

So, in 2 days it will be 2 weeks since we buried my Mother.  A few days after arriving home my Uncle got a strange call from a blocked number saying that what we were looking for was under Mom's bed.  Peculiar, as she actually slept in 2 different beds.  I, by this time was obviously back in Oregon, so my only hope was sending Dylan in to see.  He was nervous, not to mention just didn't really want to alone.  I called My Aunt who lives in Indiana and she was still really torn up over the loss of her sister, so she didn't stay on long, but handed the phone off to her husband.  My Uncle Bill said he would go up there with Dylan but just really didn't want to because my Aunt had promised him he didn't have to be nice to my Mom's husband (now known to everyone as the asshole), now that my Mom was gone.  I also called my Mother's close friend and neighbour Sue to see if she or her husband, or both would also go down there with Dylan.  She started crying and said her husband had banned her.  She went on to tell me things that shook me to the core.  She said asshole had been hitting on her heavily pregnant daughter whenever she was around.  She also said he was forever making lewd remarks to her, the last being as my Mother lay there dead waiting for the coroner.  He asked her what he was going to do about his sexual needs and would she help him!  Bloody Hell!  After her telling me a lot more she went on to tell me about the week my Mother died.  I had been led to believe she was in a coma 2 days after my birthday.  Sue said not true, that in fact on the 12th that my Mother was in great spirits and out in her yard walking about with her walker.  She also stated Mom was planning on going shopping with her for her upcoming grand baby.  So, again, the asshole caught in more lies.  She told me all this last week.  This past Saturday Dylan got together with Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bill and the plan was they would take asshole to dinner and Dylan would use his key and go look in the house.  Well, that didn't happen.  The locks had been changed!  Who changes the locks on a house because their wife dies?  Who changes the locks and doesn't tell a "son" (Dylan) that he lived under the same roof with for years?  So, thankfully for cell phones Dylan was able to reach Kathy and said he would come down when they returned.  He got in the house and said asshole acted ok, allowing my Aunt to have some of my Mother's clothes but Dylan was able to find nothing.  So, if my Mom ever did actually have a will, asshole found it.  I had J call the asshole to check in from our end, just to see where his head was at and to make sure he wasn't throwing out my Mother's stuff and out of the blue he says we can BUY her china, china hutch and formal dining room table for 3k.  WHO does that shit?  Before he said I could have the china, she had it before she ever had him.  Not to mention SHE bought that furniture with her money, not his, so why is he trying to profit.?  This puts me in a helluva situation.  I didn't and don't want the furniture, however, it is obvious if I don't buy it he will sell it to someone else.  So, I either, after giving up my beautiful home here, have to change my "style" to accommodate her formal style of furniture, or just rent a storage unit to keep it in.  I have Marcus going to a lawyer in Indiana to see what, if anything can be done about asshole.  All I want is my Mother's wishes carried out.  I know she left the bulk of her things to Marcus and Dylan, as far as cash, vehicles, her half of the house etc.  and that is fine.  However, NOW it seems to matter that I am the biological daughter.  I have to get the lawyer, do the fighting etc. as well as work, care for my son and try to orchestrate a cross country move that is breaking my heart. I am under so much stress I fell like my head could explode.  I went to my Dr. yesterday.  He gave me the sleeping pills I asked for as well as some mood regulators.  Also, my blood pressure is high. :-/  I eat right for the most part.  I exercise, my weight is correct for my frame...so he figures it is the stress.  Nice.  It feels like I cannot even properly grieve my Mother because I have been throw in the middle of this fight.  In my mind, her things shouldn't be touched yet.  No one should be fighting over who gets what and certainly asshole shouldn't be planning to sell all her stuff, sell the home she loved and then run off and do who knows what.  An odd thing happened the other day.  I have no explanation for it, and if it is her trying to tell me something, I wish she would be clearer.  I was looking at homes for sale on a homes website I am registered on.  They have my info as in like what I want in a house.  The first house that came up that day in my search was the house my Mother owned when I was a baby.  It is small, in a bad neighbourhood, nothing like on my search criteria....so why did it come up?  How weird is it that it is for sale now that I am looking to come back to the area?  I don't know how long this legal battle will take with the asshole.  Guess I will find out after Marcus sees the lawyer.  I think though, if it is going to be longer than a year I may hold off my move until it is settled.  I don't want to have to worry about asshole darkening my doorstep and to be honest, right now the only thing keeping me sane is my son and the beach. I go to the ocean to drown my scars, wash away my pain...all figuratively of course since it is all emotional and internal.  *sigh*

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