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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I don't understand, surprising reaction.

So last night, as I am sure many of you who followed #liftupellie, I kept checking my Twitter timeline for updates on this precious little girl. Anyone who knows me, knows I am not typically a fan of other people's kids. This little girl's courage and spirit genuinely touched me. I admit I don't understand (and never will) her family's belief in a God who would allow this to happen to an innocent child. I read where her poor mother said her faith had been tested, where just this very morning she was praying to her god that Ellie's sister not wake before Ellie finally let go of her life. Well, Ellie's twin sister did wake before her twin left this life. When I read that she had finally died, I wept. I wept for her, for her sister, her family. Very out of character for me, but has also erupted so much emotion in me. I told my own kids of this sweet girl's passing. I told them to be thankful every day that they are healthy and trivial things like a bad hair day or burning the toast isn't a big deal. I stand firm in my belief that there is no god. If there was innocent children wouldn't suffer as Ellie did. I wish her family all the best and I guess I do hope their faith gives them comfort. I don't get it, but I wish them peace. They deserve it.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dari Gold

So, we are on hols and my son has to wee. I told him I didn't want to stop, just go in a bottle. He was fine with that. So, he did, and a few seconds later he says "Look, I made Dari Gold, infused with vitamin D". This is funny in itself, but extra hilarious because we sometimes call him Dari for short, and also because DariGold is a major dairy and juice provider on the West Coast. After that, every DariGold truck we passed, we all cracked up laughing. His sister complained she needed a restroom stop and he says "Ya wish ya had a penis now, don't you?" Then he proceeds to tell her she DID have one but it was removed at birth. Kids, Gotta love them! LOL

Monday, June 7, 2010


I am an aspiring writer, though cannot keep my thought on the same subject long enough to get anywhere with it. Hence, the name for this blog, my unfiltered mind. My son has always liked things that were a bit silly and inappropriate for the masses, but with him in mind, I came up with an idea for a children's book. It would be based around my adorable little bunny Liam. Liam is small. He is a Lionhead rabbit and was the runt. He weighs 3 pounds. I have a house full of cats who weigh anywhere from 5 to 11 pounds. He loves to play with them and holds his own. My cats are Persians, they really have no hunting instinct so they bat at him but don't claw. I thought wouldn't it be funny if his secret weapon was shooting his poo, (marbles) out of his bum. lol Just the thought makes me laugh. How funny would it be for him to turn around when the cats are chasing him, point and aim and shoot them with his marbles! The world has come up with all sorts of odd "Super" Heroes, so Hey, why not My Liam, The Marble-ator.